
Only Use Words You Believe In


Naive has never been a word I liked, much less even used due to the negative meaning people attach to it.

Most times when people use this word, it implies that a person is being stupid or foolish. How can a person be stupid about something they’re unaware of. When I hear naive, I sense roadblocks, negativity, disdain, confusion, hate and limitation.

When truthfully this word means innonence, purity and childlike behavior. So, overall this is clearly a positive word but since I can’t change the way people use it, I’ll just choose my right to not use it. For I don’t believe in its context.

Now does that make me NAIVE…..???


Give People Back To Themselves


We are raised to follow rules but we aren’t taught to discover who we are. The shutdown continues when we attend school and are informed we are not smart enough. The shut down increases when we connect in relationships that destroy our confidence and mental attitudes. Then when we try to build our lives we hear that shut door as family and society tells us NO.

Truth is…we are born confident, carefree and blessed. But we’ve become entwined in situations that strips us from this. The key to it all is to give people back to themselves. Let them be who they are. The acceptance is appreciated. You can’t change the way a person understands you. Only respect the differences. They’re all just trying to find out who they are. The giver gets it more than the taker.



What’d You Say?


Do you triple think about the words that leave your mouth? Or, are you overly concerned with voicing your opinions?

Would you rather utter a ton of words just to be heard or speak in a manner that displays you and only just you?

Too often we result to the former and then get upset at the label people placed upon us.

The words we choose are a declaration of who we are.


Life Goals


People often say “I know how you feel”, when they truly don’t. They have an idea and you can only hope it’s the right idea because we’re all here for a different purpose.

It’s challenging when you’re not around people who knows what you feel, think, desire, dream or fear.

We are all truly alone late at night when we’re planning and brainstorming how to make our dreams come true.  This struggle makes it hard to relate or connect to anyone.

But I guarantee you’ll be stronger in the end.

Pressure makes diamonds, they say.